
body temperature Learn more about body temperature

  • How to judge the health of cattle by their body temperature

    How to judge the health of cattle by their body temperature

    How to judge the health of cattle by their body temperature

  • Heat stress and its control in pigs in summer

    Heat stress and its control in pigs in summer

    Heat stress refers to the sum of non-specific physiological responses of the body to any requirements put forward by the thermal environment in an extremely high ambient temperature. With the rapid development of intensive and high-density feeding, most southern regions are becoming more and more urgent to alleviate the environmental pressure caused by high temperature in summer on the pig industry, and the climate in the north also has an increasing trend. In recent years, the highest temperature in Beijing has also reached more than 40 degrees. The decline of pig productivity caused by heat stress has attracted more and more attention of livestock environment and feed nutrition researchers. Japanese, American, British and other Chinese studies

  • Symptoms of African classical swine fever in sows

    Symptoms of African classical swine fever in sows

    On the first day, the body temperature was about 38.5 ℃, and the appetite decreased. The next day: the body temperature rose to more than 40 ℃, lying on the ground can not afford, the whole body trembling, ear tips are reddish purple, belly red, feces relatively dry. The third day: the body temperature is about 40 ℃, the rim of the eye is red, the belly

    2020-11-08 Sow infection Africa Classical Swine Fever symptoms Summary Day 1
  • What about the deformity of hericium Erinaceus?

    What about the deformity of hericium Erinaceus?

    Hericium Erinaceus (scientific name: Hericium erinaceus) is a traditional Chinese valuable dish with tender meat, delicious taste and delicious taste. It is one of the four famous dishes (hericium Erinaceus, bear paw, sea cucumber and shark's fin). It is known as mountain rare hericium and seafood bird's nest. A fungus or fungus of this family Dentaceae.

    2020-11-08 Hericium Erinaceus mushroom deformity how to do hericium Erinaceus scientific name Hericium
  • Effect of Environmental factors on appearance quality of bag-planted Ganoderma lucidum

    Effect of Environmental factors on appearance quality of bag-planted Ganoderma lucidum

    As a medicinal fungus, the medicinal value and commercial value of Ganoderma lucidum are directly related to the quality of fruiting body. It is an ideal goal for medicinal Ganoderma lucidum producers to cultivate fruiting bodies with good cap development and maturity. The fruiting body of Ganoderma lucidum is very sensitive to environmental factors such as temperature, humidity, ventilation, light and so on. if the conditions are not suitable, it is easy to produce deformed Ganoderma lucidum. Strict regulation of environmental factors is a necessary measure to improve the yield and appearance quality of Ganoderma lucidum. 1. Temperature factor Ganoderma lucidum fruiting body primordia can occur in large numbers at 25-30 ℃, less at 22 ℃, and grow slowly.

  • Key points of management of mushroom emergence period of Pleurotus eryngii by temperature, humidity, light disease and insect control

    Key points of management of mushroom emergence period of Pleurotus eryngii by temperature, humidity, light disease and insect control

    Key points of management of mushroom emergence period of Pleurotus eryngii by temperature, humidity, light disease and insect control

  • What about the abnormal mushrooms in the cultivation of hericium Erinaceus

    What about the abnormal mushrooms in the cultivation of hericium Erinaceus

    Hericium Erinaceus, also known as hericium Erinaceus, hedgehog fungus, cauliflower fungus or mountain fungus, was originally a kind of precious edible fungus hidden deep in the dense forest. The fruiting body is round and thick, often hanging from the tree trunk, covered with needle-like spines, shaped very much like the head of a monkey, hence the name. The meat of hericium Erinaceus is tender and delicious, and its color, taste and fragrance are excellent. ...

  • How to cultivate Pleurotus eryngii with bag material for high yield

    How to cultivate Pleurotus eryngii with bag material for high yield

    How can Pleurotus eryngii cultivated with bag material produce high yield? Pleurotus eryngii is a kind of large fleshy umbrella fungus with good quality, which belongs to Pleurotus ostreatus, Pleurotus ostreatus. Fruit body solitary or group, thick meat, slow umbrella opening, dense stalk tissue, snow-white thick, few spores, long shelf life, different from ordinary Pleurotus ostreatus, fresh taste.

  • How to cultivate Pleurotus eryngii with bag material for high yield

    How to cultivate Pleurotus eryngii with bag material for high yield

    How can Pleurotus eryngii cultivated with bag material produce high yield? Pleurotus eryngii is a large fleshy umbrella fungus with good quality, which belongs to Pleurotus ostreatus, Pleurotus ostreatus and Pleurotus ostreatus. Fruit body solitary or group, thick meat, slow umbrella opening, dense stalk tissue, snow-white thick, few spores, long shelf life, different from ordinary Pleurotus ostreatus, delicious taste.

  • The latest planting techniques of Pleurotus eryngii

    The latest planting techniques of Pleurotus eryngii

    1. Morphological characteristics of Pleurotus eryngii fruit body solitary or group, mushroom cover wide 4cm6cm, the initial stage is round, after spreading, the center is slightly sunken, the surface is fluffy, black tea to grayish brown, the flesh is white; the stipe is mesophytic to partial, rod-shaped to bulbous, white smooth, transverse.

    2020-11-08 Apricot abalone mushroom latest planting technology one morphological characteristics apricot abalone
  • Environmental conditions required for the growth of volvariella volvacea

    Environmental conditions required for the growth of volvariella volvacea

    1. Temperature: volvariella volvacea is a high-temperature type of umbrella bacteria. The temperature required for spore germination is 25-45 ℃, and the suitable temperature is 40 ℃. It can not germinate above 45 ℃ or below 25 ℃. The suitable temperature range for the mycelium growth of volvariella volvacea is 20-40 ℃, and the most suitable temperature for mycelium growth is 35-36 ℃. At this temperature, the mycelium grows fastest. Under the condition of less than 15 ℃ or more than 42 ℃, the mycelium grew slowly, stopped growing at 10 ℃, and died quickly below 5 ℃. The optimum temperature for fruiting body development is 2832 ℃.

  • High-yield cultivation techniques of Pleurotus ostreatus

    High-yield cultivation techniques of Pleurotus ostreatus

    Pleurotus ostreatus is a kind of large fleshy umbrella fungus with good quality. Fruit body solitary or group, thick meat, slow umbrella opening, dense stalk tissue, snow-white thick, few spores, long shelf life, different from ordinary Pleurotus ostreatus. Rich in nutrition, high oligosaccharide content, rich in protein and amino acids, crisp and tender texture, delicious taste, excellent taste, with health care and beauty functions. Pleurotus ostreatus has the advantages of short production cycle, broad market prospect, high benefit and easy acceptance by farmers. In this paper, the high-yield cultivation techniques of Pleurotus ostreatus are introduced as follows: 1 cultivation season

  • Introduction of excellent varieties of Pleurotus ostreatus

    Introduction of excellent varieties of Pleurotus ostreatus

    According to the different temperature requirements in the period of fruiting body differentiation, Pleurotus ostreatus was divided into four groups, namely, low temperature type, medium temperature type, high temperature type and wide temperature type. In low temperature type, the optimum temperature for fruiting body differentiation was 10-15 ℃, such as Pleurotus ostreatus, Pleurotus ostreatus, Jingzhou No. 1, Suping 48, 4011. In the medium temperature type, the optimum temperature for fruiting body differentiation was 16-22 ℃, such as Pleurotus ostreatus and Pleurotus ostreatus. In high temperature type, the optimum temperature for fruiting body differentiation was 22 ~ 26 ℃, such as Pleurotus ostreatus, Pleurotus ostreatus, Suping 1.

  • High-yield cultivation of Pleurotus ostreatus (part two)

    High-yield cultivation of Pleurotus ostreatus (part two)

    Fifth, the management of the sub-entity stage. At the end of the germicidal stage and the formation of the clot, the mushroom production management should be carried out according to the air temperature. The temperature dropped gradually in late August, and the mature bacterial clumps were opened with plastic sheeting and placed on the mushroom rack. The bacterial film grown out of the bacterial block is too thick, which is not conducive to the growth of fruiting body, so it is necessary to use a bamboo knife or iron nail to draw a line on the surface of the bacterial block, vertically and horizontally into a lattice about 2 cm wide. Cut through the bacterial membrane, the depth should be moderate, generally 1 cm deep. The bacterial block is easy to break if the line is too deep. Then lay it flat on the shelf, spray water, and adjust the room temperature.

  • Harm of Heat stress response in Dairy cows

    Harm of Heat stress response in Dairy cows

    Harm of Heat stress response in Dairy cows

  • Causes and prevention of deformities of hericium Erinaceus

    Causes and prevention of deformities of hericium Erinaceus

    I have been cultivating hericium Erinaceus for many years, and some deformities of hericium Erinaceus have been found in the process of cultivation. The reasons and preventive measures are as follows: 1 the mushroom body of bald and unthorny mushroom is clustered and branched, the individual is hypertrophy, the surface is crumpled and rough, without bristles, the flesh is crisp, slightly yellow or brown, and the smell is normal. 1.1 the main reason is that the temperature is on the high side and the humidity is low, the evaporation of the fruiting body is often too large at the temperature of 25 ℃, and the humidity does not keep up in time, resulting in the formation of Pleurotus ostreatus without burrs.

  • Causes and prevention of abnormal coral monkey head mushroom with bald and unthorny mushroom color

    Causes and prevention of abnormal coral monkey head mushroom with bald and unthorny mushroom color

    Causes and prevention of abnormal coral monkey head mushroom with bald and unthorny mushroom color

  • Techniques for cultivating High-yield Edible Fungi

    Techniques for cultivating High-yield Edible Fungi

    Techniques for cultivating High-yield Edible Fungi

  • The relationship between hair carding and body temperature in dogs

    The relationship between hair carding and body temperature in dogs

    Wandering in several dog forums, I found that there is a common misconception that although some dogs have thick hair, they will act as "insulation" in hot weather, so they can't be cut. one. Although the dog's body does not have sweat glands, it still emits heat all the time. The lower the external temperature is, the easier the heat is. In most cases, the dog's body temperature is higher than the room temperature, the summer temperature is already high, if the dog's hair is too thick is definitely not conducive to the heat dissipation of the body. Is there any?

  • Planting techniques of hericium Erinaceus

    Planting techniques of hericium Erinaceus

    Planting techniques of hericium Erinaceus
